Monday, August 06, 2007

Not "smoking in the boys' room" but...


"Peter and those with him had fallen into a deep sleep; but awakening, they saw His glory." —Luke 9:32

Jesus took Peter, James, and John off by themselves, and "went up onto a mountain to pray" (Lk 9:28). "While He was praying, His face changed in appearance and His clothes became dazzlingly white" (Lk 9:29). However, Peter, James, and John had fallen into a deep sleep (Lk 9:32). When they awoke, they were in a fog (Lk 9:34). They heard God tell them to listen to Jesus (Lk 9:35). They saw Jesus transfigured in radiant glory, but they missed the encouraging message that God is all-powerful.

Jesus again took Peter, James, and John off by themselves, and went into a garden to pray (Mk 14:33). He began to change in appearance once more, suffering distress and sweating blood (Lk 22:44; Mk 14:34). Jesus intended the first prayer class, with its transfigured glory, to serve as an encouragement for this second prayer class, with its suffering and defeat. That's why the Father appeared in majesty at the transfiguration to tell the disciples to listen to Jesus. However, Peter, James, and John forgot the first lesson and fell asleep again (Mt 26:43). This time, they awoke to find Jesus' captors at hand. Though Jesus and the Father had prepared them, they abandoned Jesus and fled (Mk 14:50).

Jesus knows our "spirit is willing but [our] nature is weak" (Mk 14:38). He will keep teaching us until we learn to pay close attention (2 Pt 1:19). "Awake, O sleeper" (Eph 5:14). Fix your eyes on Jesus transfigured (Heb 3:1). "Listen to Him" (Lk 9:35).

Prayer: Jesus, give me "ears open to obedience" (Ps 40:7).

Promise: "We possess the prophetic message as something altogether reliable." —2 Pt 1:19

Praise: Praise the Risen Jesus, transfigured in glory! You dwell in unapproachable light (1 Tm 6:16), yet You come humbly to us as the Lamb of God. Alleluia!

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1 comment:

Russ Rentler, M.D. said...

What is it about the disciples( meaning Us)always falling asleep at the worse times?
As I was asleep for 14 years as a young Catholic kid totally unconscious as I received Christ in the Eucharist having no real idea that God was on my tongue!