Thursday, August 23, 2007

Kissing the hand of Christ...

This moves me to tears.
I want to kiss
the hands of
our priests
who spend
and consume
themselves for souls.
Jesus calls us
to come
follow him
Christianity is
not for wimps
nor is the priesthood.
Priests are my heroes.


Cradle Catholic said...

God does not call the equiped, he equips the called. I have always loved that saying. It reminds me that I can do it with God and so can our beloved priests. God Blesses them beyond measure even when humans curse and rebuke and point fingers, etc. God love them all!

Russ Rentler, M.D. said...

Amen, they have left all to follow Christ. without them, no Eucharist or Reconciliation.

Joyful Catholic said...

We were watching The Choices We Face this morning..(we're EARLY risers) and Fr. John Horn from Omaha was on talking about IPF, Inst. of Priestly Formation here at Creighton University. It was great. I suggest you all go to EWTN on line and find the show, and watch it. Share with your priest friends. They all need to come there for a retreat and direction as it isn't just for seminarians. If at all possible, if they're struggling as some I know are, then tell them about IPF and see if they can get on line and get more info.

PAX all.

Sanctus Belle said...

Beautiful image, I especially love the way our Blessed Mother is reaching for her Son, no doubt in order to press His head to her heart. Stabat Mater Dolorosa, Ora Pro Nobis!

Joyful Catholic said...

Hi Sanctus! Good to see you again. I love Mary..and when you said "to press His head to her heart" it made me think of how much I've been praying to her and for her to hold me and my priest friend, Fr. G close to her Immaculate Heart....and the month of August is the month of her Immaculate Heart.

Bless you!