How can you look at His nail-scarred hands
and see the gaping wound in His side
see the holes in those feet, that carried His torn body
to the top of Golgotha where He died
and not see His mercy, poured out in purest blood
more tender than a mother's deepest love
Love stretched out on a cross, where He gasped His last breath
and died for the sins of all of us
the love that we're craving and hope to finally find
love unconditional is what we're looking for
is the love revealed to us so long ago in space and time
found in the blessed wounds that Jesus bore
so come to His altar now, prepared for you at mass
and let the paschal Lamb of God give you His Life
His flesh and blood will heal your starved and sin-sick soul
and restore what's been broken deep inside
come eat the Lamb of God, be truly satisfied
come eat the Lamb of God, be truly satisfied
susie melkus
I just finished this and found an image that looked like nothing I'd seen so far, so I clicked it and found it to be on Steve Ray's blog. So yet another rather uncanny thing to add to the list of uncanny things going on in my life. His post on the Lamb of God says what I said above, only much more eloquently and more ..."Steve Rayish." Below is the image from his blog...

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