Sunday, September 27, 2009

A rose by any other name...

The meanings/legends in mythology and Christianity of the names of many flowers and their significance, origins etc. Apropos for me right now, pondering my name, Susan, which means "lily." So on my recent internet meandering, I found this website very interesting. You might, too. I especially love "lilies of the valley" and this description rather overwhelmed me, as "little lily" has been a name that the Lord has been calling me of late. Last year it was 'little' and this year, 'lily' has been added. So when I came across "lily of the valley" (the tiniest of lilies) I was smiling as I read the meaning/legend and very blessed to be His "little lily" and Mary's "little lily" in the farthest back corner in the "Garden" of the Church. Not "out there" for all to see, (so very fine with me) but doing my "little task" simply to "delight" my Father, and no one else. My added thoughts are enclosed in parenthesis.
Your Catholic blogger friend,
"little lily"
Lily of the Valley: Return of happiness, (to me signifies our return to the One True Church!) purity of heart, (I'm desiring so much to become more pure) sweetness, (I hope to become more like Our Sweetness, Mary) tears of the Virgin Mary, (precious pearls of Sorrow & Joy that fell and still fall from her eyes. They well up inside her Immaculate Heart, to flow from her eyes as she prays for us sinners.) you've made my life complete, (Jesus surely does!)humility, (I pray for more...always!) happiness, (Perhaps like Mary told St. Bernadette. "I can't promise you happiness in this life, only in the next.) love's good fortune. (Again, finding the Church I lost!) The legend of the lily of the valley is that it sprang from Eve's tears when she was banished from the garden of Eden. (as a very sinful prodigal daughter, I've been graced to cry my share of remorseful tears, and hopefully many more yet to come!) It is also believed that this flower protects gardens from evil spirits. (As does Our Lady and her rosary!) Also known as the "flower of May." (Mary's month, what could be better?)