Friday, September 18, 2009

If we could see music, this would be a fountain of living, clear and rushing water.

My soul's being quenched. Yours?


Nancy said...

Is my soul being quenched? You betcha. I think a lot of us have room for both traditional and contemporary sacred music as long as the comtemporary has spiritual depth and quality like JMT obviously does.

Oh, and speaking of good music, since it's the anniversary of his passing into eternal life, I'm off to put some Rich Mullins in my stereo.

Joyful Catholic said...

Hi Nancy. Thanks for reminding me of RWM and the anniversary of his passing. I can't believe I forgot!? It's a shock that it faded from my mind the entire day! I loved him so much, as did all Christendrom. I wrote a poem about him on my other blog, and I think I poseted it here, too, some years back. God bless.