Sunday, June 03, 2007

ROME pilgrimage - 2 slide show albums. . .

Ciao! This is the glorious feast day of the Holy Trinity.

Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

Since is having some issues regarding posting my still shots, we've finally found a place to make a slide show (two parts). There are over 900 so the nice thing is, you can pause or watch at your leisure.

Most of the countryside photos are from the bus as you'll be able to see due to window reflections but they're surprisingly not too bad. There are 4 mini movies also, (in Assisi) and they'll appear when it gets to them. It has to pause and load pictures, but it's pretty fast.

Our hotel in Assisi was the BEST!!! I love it there. It was like a mantle of peace draped over our souls when we stepped off the bus in that town. The "instrument of peace, St. Francis, surely left his mark there, as did his sister in Christ, St. Chiara, (St. Clare.) I'm writing about the 2nd half now because I just watched it. The first half in Roma I'll comment on when I watch it again.

Unfortunately, I forgot that I could speak into my little Nikon camera, which would have been a nice benefit for knowing each Church and basilica we visited. But I still have the itinerary, so I'll probably be able to get some idea from it which church is which. We visited St. Clement first, then St John Lateran, then the Holy Stairs, (I didn't go up them on my knees as did some of our group...yes, I was a complete WUSS that day, the first day in Rome and in flip-flops since our luggage didn't arrive with us! I was enduring the malady of "swankles" (swollen ankles) the ENTIRE trip. Not complaining (too much) mind you! I offered up the pain and tingling sensation for my prayer intentions and I believe it was efficacious for those I carried in my heart on this pilgrimage. After the Holy Stairs, we went to Church of the Holy Cross, which has one altar with dirt from the Holy Land beneath it, Bethlehem to be exact, where many pilgrims knelt and prayed. We read before entering that chapel, that making a visit to this altar there was comparable to making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land!

Obviously, the ones of our Papa are my best and favorites! I was shaking and he was moving rapidly in the Pope Mobile, but by the grace of God, my hand was steadied and I got the picture of pictures when he turned the corner and came our way! Scott said it should be a TIME magazine photo! I enlarged it and could not believe I got him at that moment. I didn't realized until I'd gone back through a few that I captured him so clearly. I love his little boyish smile.

Slide show is here: Picasa Web album. Both albums will appear.


Hey, BLOGGER.Com ...try to blot this one out! I "double-Blog" dare ya!


1 comment:

Russ Rentler, M.D. said...

got thru one album so far. They are beautiful, thanks so much for posting. PD and I have to go someday,
Lord willing.