Tuesday, June 30, 2009

About that "praying to the Saints stuff"...

"When in his frailty, a man invokes the saints, he invokes Christ, and without fail he will reach Christ whenever he calls upon their names, for wherever they are, they are in Christ and Christ is in them, and their name in Christ's name and Christ's name in their name."

Guess who said that?

Find out here.

h/t TJ : )

1 comment:

Joyful Catholic said...

TJ, thanks for your thoughts. I don't know what I just did, but I must have inadvertently deleted your comment.? I don't know where the thought came from in her mind about "the killer of a martyr" being the "fault of the martyr either. Very strange. If you wouldn't mind jotting it down again, maybe your comment would help someone else...if you get a moment. Thanks again, bro.