Monday, November 24, 2008

A martyr with a great love for Immaculate Mary...

I've been reading a couple of books about St. Maximilian Kolbe. We have MUCH to learn from him, especially with the times and happenings occurring in our country now, with many "anti-lie" and "anti-God" "pro-death" people coming into national leadership positions with the new presidency. I'm not saying all are 'anti-God' but many are, and that's been the case for quite some time, as we know. This man's gift is his tender heart towards our Mother, Mary. His unabashed love for her, that only grew more intense with the years. She helped him love the unlovable, his own torturers! Those who treated him brutally, and most inhumanely he always greeted, even while starving and emaciated in his "cell of death." Let us pray for his intercession as our Church is and will be under more intense scrutiny and persecution in the years ahead. For there is a "change" coming, but it's not going to be what the Obama supporters have in mind. No, this is going to be a change like America's never before seen. It's best to be "prepared" as was St. Kolbe, who gave his heart, soul, and entire life for another human being in the death camp, therefore, he gave his ALL for JESUS! St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us! Pray we'll have faith, hope and love come alive in our hearts, and keep us in perfect peace, while uniting our sufferings to those of Mary our Mother, and Her Son, our Lord. Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on us. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us! Jesus, Mary we love you! Save souls!

1 comment:

Marie said...

And I am reading a book on St. Thomas More and his daughter..very moving.

This is a time we we must cement our Faith and perhaps God is using this time to seperate the wheat from the chaff? And to strengthen those who LOVE Him for the days ahead.

But always 'Be of Good cheer,' The Church will Triumph in the end and we in the meantime must stay firmly cemented on the foundations of our Church, The Catholic Church, lest the blood of the Martyrs flow in vain.

Peace and love to you Susie:)

Marie xooxoxox