Saturday, November 15, 2008

God bless our brothers & sisters as they courageously protested

A "white martyrdom" always proceeds "red martyrdom." We will suffer persecution like we've never suffered in this country, and we already have seen it on t.v. news, with the protests at LDS church and Saddleback church. If they are gathering at those places of worship, what's ahead for our Catholic parishes where the real and true presence of Christ is? In my own workplace, I'm the "odd one" and my friend and I are "talked about" behind our backs for being pro life. Our small sufferings are being offered up for their ignorance and sadly misguided souls and the poor souls who have no one to pray for them.

I salute and respect these pro-life activists who "shut down" Obama's rhetoric, at least for a while. They had their 'right to free speech' until they were escorted out for 'disrupting' his speech. The left peacefully, without crude words. However, those in the audience shout abominable things like "Abortion is what makes America great!" "We love abortion!" Lord have mercy. God forgive them, they know not what they do. HOWEVER this I need to say, their judgment will be more merciful than those of our priests and bishops who voted FOR Obama, who KNOW the truth, but thumbed their noses at the Church. Those are the ones I fear for the most, our shepherds. Those of them that 'bought the lie' and have caused scandal to so many. Our Lady weeps. And all I can say is, Lord have mercy. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. We need to love and forgive our enemies and we need the grace to desire it, because I sense a real schism, as the "unifier" and "healer of America's image" is inaugurated come January 20, 2009