Saturday, August 09, 2008

Rosary for the unborn...Ave Maria....

"If your nation overturns legalized abortion, I will richly bless it by my favor.But if this sin continues with national approval,
much will be stripped away."

--Message from Jesus, 10/14/2001

Order a rosary, full length, or one decade, here

The proceeds go to shelters for unwed mothers.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us.


Unknown said...

a BEAUTIFUL idea...

But it is worth noting that the group that sells this rosary exclusively are devotees of an "apparition" that has been condemned by the local bishop... and they make claims that include "special graces" exclusive to the use of this rosary that MUST be bought from them...


I would love to own one... but will NOT support them.

Joyful Catholic said...

Hi SS,

Thanks for the heads up re: this rosary. I will check the link asap.

Good to hear from you!

God bless,