The economy, gas prices, global warming, (it was global cooling when I was a kid) alternative energy sources and smart cars mean absolutely nothing if one isn't allowed to be born. If these smallest citizens of America aren't allowed their unalienable right to LIFE, what does it matter if our wallets are fat or empty, or we drive SUV's or hybrids? The basic human right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as written in our constitution, is stolen from thousands of American citizens every day by abortion, infanticide, (not to mention euthanasia, killing those that in the eyes of some just aren't worth keeping alive any longer.)
Many people, according to some news reports, think Obama walked to Europe and home again across the Pond. When a candidate for President of the United States goes overseas and rips our country from one coast to the other, saying America still "leads the world in torture" did he mean those precious souls, those 45 million or more babies burned by saline and ripped limb from limb while inside of their mothers' wombs, only to be disposed of in the trash can in some abortuary? Is that what he meant by torture? Or those babies whose skulls are punctured by scissors while being born, partially outside of their mothers' bodies? Yeah, maybe that's what Obama meant. Then I'd say maybe we do lead the world in torture because I'm sure we abort many more babies than in smaller countries around the globe. So, maybe I do agree with this supposed "savior" of the planet, this "citizen of the world."
I am not a fan of McCain. I admire him for his service to our country. He was tortured as a POW and has my utmost respect. As a practicing Catholic and a citizen of this great country, I must vote, for it is my duty. However, I cannot vote for Obama in good conscience. McCain will have my vote this November because I can't vote for a man who will fight to keep Roe v Wade "alive"while thousands of babies are doomed to death every day.
I ask, "could we please hear this from the pulpit?" I know the Catholic Church and our priests can't tell us who to vote for, but priests can surely tell us, as Catholics, to VOTE and to vote FOR LIFE, not the culture of death. I think that would be permissible language, without naming names. Come on you good and holy priests! Speak out for the defenseless! Speak out for the little ones! Your brother priests are being tortured and killed in China and other countries for just saying MASS!! They're dying for the Truth and we complain about the pews not being comfortable or the sanctuary being too hot or too cold. That's just not good!
It's NOT about the collection plate, or being P.C. anymore. This election is crucial and if you can't open the catechism and teach your parish members what the Church says and teaches about these matters of life and death, why not? Are you worried about offending someone? Stop it! Since when did the truth NOT offend someone?! Be bold! Jesus didn't care about being liked or the "numbers" in the crowd, or the collection plate being full or empty. He offended many, they tried to kill him everywhere he went! But the poor in spirit, the humble and docile sinners (rich and poor) were the ones who knew they needed a Savior. The proud and arrogant religious elites were sent away their own choice, not because they weren't loved.
One day, the eyes of every aborted baby will be looking into our eyes. I wonder what they'll have to say about their cruel and barbaric demise? One day God's eyes will be looking back into our eyes, too. In fact, what we do to the least of these, we do unto Him. The eyes of those aborted babies ARE the eyes of Christ in one sense. But one day, eyes of fire will burn into our souls and we will have to give an account for every thought, word and deed we ever did. One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that JESUS CHRIST is Lord...not Obama or anyone else.
When we look into the eyes of all the innocents I do hope we can say we tried to do something to stop it. excellent post Susie
Thank you TJ. It was a photo studio moment for me yesterday! I had the idea for it when I was listening to the new ad for McCain, The One, which I thought was excellent. I had the image in my mind of Jesus walking on the water, and then pictured B.O. doing the same. It's really the only thing Obama HASN'T said he will do, isn't it?
The eyes of the innocents. I can hardly comprehend the numbers of souls lost to the Culture of Death. It is most sobering. God forgive us our sins...
I have to admit that I was never a fan of either Bush but Obama is perhaps the most frightening potential president I think I have ever seen. It seems a near impossible choice for America. May God grant all voters wisdom and mercy.
Hi Owen...and "Amen,bro!" Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
I was heartened to see that John McCain visited the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe when he was in Mexico last month.I believe she helped George Bush win the 2000 election. (Jeb Bush and his wife made a pilgrimage to the shrine during the aftermath of that election and the Supreme Court handed down the decision in favor of President Bush on her feast day.) We have to pray hard that the unborn will be the winners in this election.
What has frightened me about the Obama campaign besides the fact that he is a pro-abortion ideologue is the deliberate Messianic theme of his campaign. This has been strange and disturbing. Of course, what has helped dispel this image that he is deliberately trying to convey is that he is really inexperienced and amazingly uninformed for a man who wants to be President of the U.S.
Hey, Michele, Thanks for your comment. I didn't know about any of those visits by McCain or Jeb and his wife to Our Lady of Guadalupe! Thank you for that information, because it actually made me feel a little better after having talked to a dear priest friend of mine, about an hour ago, whom I found out is supporting Obama. For the sake of his sorrowful passion, have Mercy on us and on the whole world! We're in the time of mercy now...that time of Justice is fast approaching. Our Lady has warned us. Are we going to heed her call, her cry, her plea? God help us.
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