Sunday, August 10, 2008

Love so pure...

Saint Francis and Saint Clare

love so pure
so holy
so true
embraced by the Lord
were these two souls
sharing the love
of God so deeply
intimately joined
by the Holy Spirit
brought to
the silence of a convent
Clare lived
in holy silence
where she
listened and obeyed
in poverty
doing penance
praying for her brother
her brother
the sun of Christ
always shining
in her eyes
His sister the moon
so pristine
and resplendent
reflecting Christ's
own radiance
to him and to
all they served
in their separate lives
until each died
to rise and meet God
never to bid
farewell again
forever together
both now
born anew
in the perfume of
the Lover of their souls
and embracing
in eternal Joy
never more
to part

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