Monday, December 31, 2007

A Catholic resolution for this New Year...

h/t to all of you there!
Great blog!
especially the ' brew blessing' post


Unknown said...

Thank you very kindly... We are a mixed group of nuts that have much fun working on our posts at PC. 2 years old and fourteen strong (interestingly, I have never met the other contributors in person! I met the gang on the net...) with 600+ archived posts and more on the way...

Its good to know someone is reading. Thank you for link. We will be keeping an eye on your great work here.. In the not too distant future, I will be putting up the youtube vid on Uganda. Thank you for that.

Joyful Catholic said...

And thanks SS. I know Tim will be grateful that the video gets shared and spread across the blogosphere...I hope some will be able to contribute to his mission to help those dear and precious children...God bless.