Thursday, October 01, 2009

The Lord's beloved "Little Flower," St. Therese...

Happy Feast Day of St. Therese.

For all of us who feel we can do nothing, that we aren't 'good enough' or we 'don't know enough' thinking that we don't have much to give, or if we're disabled, or elderly, or too ill to do anything "of worth" for God, we can call on St. Therese, we can read her life, Story of a Soul, and find out that it is the "little things" done out of great love for God that keep God's kingdom growing. Little things we see to do, even "picking up a pin" off the floor, if we do it with great love, FOR God, without complaining, we'll be doing more for God than all the "great big" wondrous things done out of a lack of love and only because of "duty." I need to be reminded of this when I think I'm not smart enough, or learned enough, to be of much use to God or the needy of the world.

I must call on St. Therese to remind me that my vocation isn't to be "out there" but "here" in my own house. My husband is my vocation! When I do one tiny thing for him, out of deepest love for the Lord, (because as we know, there are times when our 'feelings' don't always propel us) spouses can not "always" get along) then I'll have done more than many people 'out there' doing this and that and making big, "noticeable" changes.

"I prefer the monotony of obscure sacrifice to all ecstasies. To pick up a pin for love can convert a soul."

Images of St. Therese

Centenary of St Therese