Saturday, October 04, 2008

How long . . .

How long will you keep murdering Me?
What you do to the least of these
you do unto Me!
Holy Maria baby Jesus  icon (red)

Here is He whom we will answer to one day, for. . .

Above the Shrine's main altar is Christ in Majesty. The world’s largest mosaic image of Christ is the centerpiece of the Great Upper Church. The icon is over 3,600 square feet and contains nearly 3 million tiles. Eminence inspires veneration.

God will not be mocked.

He's lavished us with such great love,
but we shrug Him off
Those 10 commandments of His are so darn ancient
Religion is so stupid and "old fashioned"

God will not be mocked

We don't need God!
God's for feeble old ladies
and weak people who
can't think for themselves

God will not be mocked

I don't want or need another
baby at this point in my life
I will choose abortion
for it is "MY RIGHT"

God will not be mocked

45 million aborted babies
45 million killed in the wombs of their mothers
since Roe v. Wade
How many more will die
because of such a heinous law?
Their blood cries out day and night...

God will not be mocked

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