Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Apparently the liberal media doesn't want a strong, independent, Christian, pro-life woman as VP! Governor Sarah Palin got pregnant at 43 and her unborn child was diagnosed with Down's Syndrome. That she went ahead with her pregnancy and loves her little baby apparently irks a lot of pro-choice liberals, it rubs them the wrong way. In the deepest recesses of their conscience they might even be reminded that killing unborn babies is really not the proper thing to do. So they disrespect the one who reminds them of this truth which contradicts their shallow value system.

Enter the teenage girl who also wants to do the right thing for her unborn baby. Bristol Palin, the 17 year old daughter of Governor Sarah Palin, is about 5 months pregnant. I think she is probably just like every Christian, and every non-Christian, I ever met. We all have a long - really long - list of past mistakes, failings, sins and things we would have done differently. Bristol, since she is only 17, probably has a much shorter "list" than those of us who are older. But...she has her list.

But then there is the other list! The better list! The list of acts of heroic virtue and heroic commitments to others! Bristol has made a valiant, a heroic commitment, to not abort her unborn child - to give this unborn child the same chance at life that we all have had. No doubt there have been many other wonderful virtuous acts in Bristol's life and God bless her for them all. It's just that none of her future acts will probably ever be so publicized. But the liberal media and others who share in the holier-than-thou "Planned Parenthood mentality" are looking for blood (as usual).

So Bristol is in a tough place and so is her mom. Pro-Life People Unite! Pray for all pro-life politicians, like John McCain and Sarah Palin AND for their families! Please! And dig deep into your wallet for all pro-life politicians NOW! The liberal media is already attacking this family in many ways for being Christian and Pro - Life. Pray for the Palin Family!

Visit the website: Unborn Word Alliance Visit the blog version of: Unborn Word of the day

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