Saturday, November 14, 2009

The new look...

Thanks to Hot Bliggity Blog I've finally acquired the desired change I've been longing for these past few months. There was a certain ennui that had been pervading my asthetic senses every time I came here to post. I was happy with the old, but like in my actual, non virtual life, it was time for a change. Also, we're painting our bedroom and adding some 'new to us' carpet in same. My dear sister-in-law is putting in wood flooring in their bedroom and voila! Now we'll have carpet in ours, (soon to be installed) to cover the old, ugly wood floor. God is good! Rich, my dear husband, is also good, as he's doing the hard labor while I sit in here. Trust me, it's not that I don't want to help, it's just "better this way" and he's 'ok' with it. All is good.

Back to the background: I had a little difficulty, but realized that I'd not clicked a "save" button somewhere along the way that prevented it from appearing. However after a run to the store and getting away from things for a while, praying to St. Isidore of Seville (patron of computers) things "clicked" pun intended. So here it is, a new look for a new time in my life. The red dots on the sides reminded me of the drops of Blood Jesus shed for us, in Gethsemane and on the Via Dolorosa. The "wheat" color in the middle is like "bread" and the red, the wine. It's all about the Eucharist and always has been! It was such a wondrous marvel that Jesus condescended to come to us in the flesh, but then to come to us in the "bread" has been the most awesome thing, at least for me, a 'still new' Catholic. I'm not quite 5, and I'm in love with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Constantly representing His "once for all" sacrifice for us ever since Calvary, now in the person of His own anointed priest, He gives Himself to us as our "food" ... the Wondrous, Glorious Bread of Life. Bread of Heaven. Bread of Angels! His Precious Blood, now our very drink. I've never been "more fed" in all my entire Christian life. When I was told that so long ago, and when I told others to "go where you're fed" I HAD NO CLUE. I meant well, and so do those who say it, but when one finally "comes and sees and tastest" of the Lord, AT MASS, then how could one ever leave. As St. Peter said, "Where shall we go?"

I love the Catholic Church! I love the Eucharist, - Source and Summit and very Center of our blessed and sweetest Faith!


Anonymous said...

I love the look and all the reasoning behind it. The only comment I have is that with my over 40 eyes it's hard for me to read with the blotchy back ground. I do mean that in the most nice way...I love the dots and the red and the tan/brown. Maye a sold light tan behind the lettering in the main part of the blog. Also love your new blog....

Joyful Catholic said...

Thanks, Paula. I'm also having trouble seeing in some of the splotches of darker tans on the posts. I might try to alter some of the text/color/font bold maybe? I don't think the middle background can be lightened, or I would, b/c it was difficult reading some of it for me yesterday. The old eyes aren't what they used to be :)

Anonymous said...

For you, Susie - Your devotion to the Church is awe-inspiring! M.

Russ Rentler, M.D. said...

Greta new blog Look Sue-
Yes I am 5 yrs old now and still have never been as "well fed" as I have been by receiving Him regularly in the Blessed Sacrament.
I still get angry when I think of the years lost because of my stubbornness.
God keep working to change me.

thanks for your blog

God bless

Joyful Catholic said...

Hiya TJ...thanks for stopping by and the kind words. Bless you.