Saturday, February 28, 2009
Remember me...
This song just comes to me throughout the day, and for a week or two before Lent, I started "hearing" this in my head...and hoped I could find it on You Tube. And yes. I did.
Too imperative not to post...
Doggone it, this PC INSANITY has made us all "cowardly" (not the way Eric Holder described us by the way) when it comes to speaking, in just normal conversations, either in our homes or workplaces, we're more and more afraid of starting a conflict, offending someone, hurting someone's feelings, being dubbed all kinds of things like 'hate-monger', 'racist' 'biggot' etc. Being honest is costly, and too costly for many of us anymore, who'd rather just 'ride it out' and 'not make waves' ...assuage the terrorists (not just militant Islamists but PC terrorists who want religious talk stopped) and the "peace at all costs" crowd. Peace at all costs is NEVER peace.
But it's not the names I'm afraid of being called, or the possible conflict, or confrontation per se, or the debate, (rational debates are so rare these days, too, sadly) it's the lack of courage in those of us who ARE GOOD people that has me puzzled. I experience it many times a day. I keep quiet when I should say something. It's harmful to remain too silent at times. It's shut up some of us that really SHOULD be speaking, like parents, teachers, priests/preachers. Good, God-fearing people, who lately seem to be fearing man more than God. By the way, Jesus frowned on us doing that. He even said some not too "cozy wozy" "fuzzy wuzzy" things about fearing man more than God throughout the NT.
We've got so many good priests, and I'm thankful for them all, for they give us Christ and the sacraments, but yet nary does a homily contain the words 'sin' or 'hell' and how we can avoid sinning and trading our very souls for material gain, or some sort of sin of the flesh, which will corrupt the heart and harden it to God's voice, and where if ones does that long enough and more and more often, that soul will wind up falling from grace. The result IS hell. That's the destination of adulterers, fornicators, drunkards etc. I didn't make that up, it's in the bible. Really. Oh, but that's INTOLERANT! YIPES! So I ask, "What the hell is going on??" Hell is going on, and on, and on...and many are heading there, and the only voices of warning I hear, I don't hear, but read, like Mark's. Like Fr. Corapi's and a few on Catholic radio. What about the voices of our very own priests right here in River City?
What Saint of anytime in history would say, "Ok, money's tight and that wedding is going to be expensive so go ahead and move in with your boyfriend/girlfriend." Yet would they ever say this?-- "Ok, this economy stinks, you've got a huge loan to pay off, go ahead and rob a bank." Yet, our High Priest, Jesus, spoke of sin and hell. He SAID those words. Is it not in a priests "job description" any more to warn us of sinning, and of the destination called HELL of those who perpetually sin?
In a biography of St. Don Bosco I read recently, he told his boys in NO UNCERTAIN terms of all kinds of dangers to their souls. He warned them of bad companions and bad books, and avoiding the 'near occasion of being... intolerant? No, avoiding the near occasion of SIN! (What on earth would he say about things today about I-Pods, Blackberries, tv, movies, computers?!!) And very FEW boys did he ever lose because of his God-given authority as their spiritual father and his stern warnings! I think in all the boys he'd helped over the years, which numbered in the thousands, there were 2 that I remember, and maybe 5-10 altogether. He'd given them every single opportunity to cooperate, and strive to become saints. Only a SMALL number were "discontents" and 'hard hearts' that left his schools. And I think even a few of them did return.
Now, in 2009, priests, bishops, leaders in politics, teachers, parents are trying so hard NOT to offend anyone, we end up losing our kids, our students, our parishoners, anyway. We're all too silent on the important matters, and blabbing like crazy people about stuff that matters not much if at the END. How many really understand the Mass and what takes place on the altar now? How many KNOW it's Jesus Body Blood Soul and Divinity they're receiving on Sundays and not just a 'wafer'?
In not wanting to offend a young woman who may have had an abortion sitting in the pew, who might be suddenly overcome with guilt or anger and stomp out of church if she hears a homily on the dignity of life, from conception to eternity, the priest remains mum about the evil and the sin of abortion. He could on the other hand warn many young girls about the horror of it, thus making the damage to his own soul even less, since he's responsible for his flock. He could offer before his homily on the Sanctity of Life, a kind and thoughtful word about God's vast ocean of Divine Mercy that's waiting for her and all of us, and his availabilty after Mass to hear confessions of any young woman who may have had an abortion. He could assure her in a few seconds about her Father God who loves her so much, no matter what she's done, and that he's here for her, too. THEN "bring it on" for the rest of the congregation and proceed to WARN others out the dangerous thinking and belief that it's [abortion] not that bad, (since Pelosi's an ardent practicing Catholic and she's 'pro-choice) Father so&so could firmly and resolutely preach about the lies in this Culture of Death, (why should it only be heard on "Defending Life" on EWTN? Or from Fr. Corapi and a few other BRAVE, COURAGEOUS GODLY MEN?
He could preach on the grave danger of losing her soul should she abort her child. That hell is a real place, and God doesn't want anyone to go there. Premarital sex is grave sin. Mortal if not confessed. What about the consequences of clinging to such a dangerously erroneous belief that "sex before marriage" is "ok" and the "God understands" or the "it's the economy stupid" attitude. Don Bosco warned his boys of sexual sin. One or two young boys were saints when they died, even before Don Bosco himself! So why not expect that same zeal from our priest??? Or was St. Bosco just too rigid and narrow-minded. Maybe he should have told the boys that God sent his Son into the world to save us all from being offensive. God gave His only Son to save us from old fashioned rules. God gave His Son, to suffer and be crucified so we could all be happy, tolerant of vices, and just "get along." He sent his Son to us to make us 'feel good' all of the time. That He gave his Son to save the world from intolerance and guilt-feelings. Yeeeeeah, right.
Are priests so afraid of losing a parishoner or parishoners or money in the collection basket that all of us are told only things 'palatable' and 'pleasing to our ears?' St. Don Bosco was a most tolerant, gentle, humble, kind, giving, amiable, man, but he NEVER tolerated his young boys, who he'd 'saved from the streets' to cause scandal or harm other boys in his oratories. IF certain boys violated his rules for them, they were gone. That was back in the mid 1800's and he was concerned about the wrong books getting into the hands of those young boys and men he was trying to form in the Faith, to train to be good citizens and yes, even saints! He had dreams of his boys, some of them falling into the pit of hell, and he knew he had to WARN THEM, and so he did. Now, I'm not talking "fire and brimstone" fist banging the podium homilies every Sunday by any means, but for crying out loud! We've got kids on the computers, text messaging who knows who, Facebooking with who knows who and seeing God only knows what on line, on tv, at the movies.
We're more uptight about not wanting to make our kids 'mad at us' than for their very souls' salvation. This isn't a sermon for others, I'm guilty as ...sin...for being silent with my own kids. But does that mean I shouldn't say something now? I've been just as guilty for silence. But if we don't tell them, who will? Certainly not their 'friends' or their professors. The world's going to tell them "Sex..Hey, it's only natural, your freaky parents just don't get it.'" More souls go to hell for sins of the flesh than any sin! Isn't that sobering? Our Lady of Fatima said "souls are falling into hell like SNOWFLAKES! And we continue to 'shrug it off.' That's why we're in the mess we're in folks. Isn't it time to speak up, even when everything inside us screams for us to be quiet? We can't MAKE our kids mind, or do what we say when they're grown but we've really dropped the ball while raising them in this last generation or two, because of sheer 'fear.' When fear wins, the only losers are precious, irreplacable, unique souls, made in the image of God. What we need to do is repent of being so fearful of 'making waves' with our own kid(s) or a relative or coworker, and receive the grace (which is ever at hand) to be bold and speak the truth in love. Please pray for me. I've been and am negligent in doing this. I get fearful. Silence is good, but not when it comes to matters of our own and our loved one's eternity.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Lenten Rose...
Speaking of Fr. Corapi...
Discounted Lenten MaterialWith Lent right around the corner, we have several series and singles for you to prepare for this holy season. "I'm giving this Lenten retreat before Lent, because if you wait until Lent to prepare, it's too late!"--Fr. Corapi from "Repent and Believe in the Gospel"
Back to top Back by popular demand - The Lenten Packages | |||||||||||||
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Judging a book by it's cover...
That being said, what about actions of people? What about Catholics in OBVIOUS error, or sin, in the public eye, proudly voting FOR abortion to remain legal, and yet appearing with ashes on their forehead yesterday? I HOPE they repented of their sins, but yet, when they still promote the murder of babies, what do we as Christians, as faithful, ardent practicing Catholics do? What about our own brothers and sisters in our circle of friends, or our families? Do we keep silent and watch them wreck their lives? Is it more loving to avoid warning them than to actually speak up because of the love burning inside our hearts?
It is written, "They will know we are Christian by our love." Well, our "love" if it's being transformed into the love of Christ, will show and be noticed and "read" by others. They are to judge us as Christians by our love for each other. How have we failed in being that book that someone wants to grab and read? I've failed big remaining aloof when I should speak. By being to talkative when I should be silent. I pray this LENT to HEAR God as Mary did. To be 'RECEPTIVE' to that prompting of the Holy Spirit, and to yield my entire being to Him. I hope to 'smile' when I'd rather frown. To not be so quick to interrupt and insert my opinion on some topic in a conversation and prefer to defer to that still, small Voice, and remain silent. To speak up when I see a brother or sister going the wrong way, erring, 'leaning toward sin' and to speak a word of warning to them. I'm NOT judging their soul's destination, but for the love of Pete, what good am I if I don't let them know what's in store for them, if they continue on that broad and easy path? What if they've accepted a New Age lie and think it's God speaking in their life? Do I just 'let them go' on their merry and woefully wrong way? I hope not. For that is a "spiritual work of mercy" but one that I've been finding very hard to perform. We fail to warn others about sin, (they usually don't see, because sin has blinded them to some extent) because we know how easily we're tempted ourselves, so we remain silent. But just because we're tempted or have also fallen in the past, shouldn't keep us from 'admonishing' others... but of course doing so in and with GREAT LOVE.
What saddens me is that we don't get many 'admonishing' homilies these days. It's really bothering me that the word 'sin' isn't even mentioned except that we're "forgiven our sins." Jesus didn't fail to also warn about sin and the consequences and the destination of those who continually choose sin and do not's called Hell. And Hell is real. It's a real place. Heaven is real, Hell is real. But yet, because no one wants to offend anyone, (or to be thought of negatively) or to lose a member of a parish, we're told mostly of God's love. Of course, that Love is why we're breathing and why we're still all here. He does love us beyond all we can imagine. He lavishes abundant love in us and upon us every day. We ARE forgiven, but we do have to live like we are, right? Love never allows another to 'continue in sin' does not 'look the other way' and it does not 'shove it under the proverbial rug' letting it grow, fester, and ruin a soul. Go and sin no more. That's what Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery. Yet nowadays, it's lost it's punch because we don't hear "GO and SIN no more." We instead hear, "Hey, it's ok. You're fine. You're loved. Everything's A-OK. The balance of warning and being gentle is off kilter. The pendulum has gone too far into 'nicey nice' and the warnings of leading a sinful life are hardly ever heard. Maybe it's just me, but is it only Father Corapi, that tells it like it is? No, Mark Mallett also 'gets it.' But what about our parish priests? Why are they so silent when it comes to uttering words of warning? Why? Pride? Ego? Fear? Offering basket? All of the above?
If they [our priests] don't warn us, who will? Isn't it part of their 'job description' anymore? We lay people are too busy with our own lives, family, jobs, to get too involved and risk losing a friend, so we keep mum. But is that what the Lord told us to do? If God's own priests are so fearful, where does that leave us? I think if I were to go to my parish priests, and request a homily on sin and it's consequences, I'd be "scolded" to some extent and reminded that God is love, so we must be kind. There in lies the rub. What is being kind? Is being kind always being comfortable?
I need to be purged of my sins. I don't want to stay attached to even venial sins. They block grace and affect my life keeping me self-absorbed and less attune to the needs of others. Even my own husband. But yet, I hear no warning at Mass. I hear not a word of admonishment uttered. What's up with that? Since when is "church" supposed to constantly make us 'feel good?' We've become so tolerant of everything and everyone, afraid to be honest, and thus we lose integrity, we lose the luster of real Love that "hates sin" yet loving the sinner. We 'love the sinner' more by not even bringing up their visibly obvious sin? How is that love? How do we learn to 'correct one another' in the lay community if our own priests are not attempting to correct us from the pulpit?
I've rattled on long enough. Love is never rude or imposing, and won't ever "push it's views" on another, but love is never silent where sin is concerned either.....or am I wrong?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Go to Mass. Get your ashes...

Ash Wednesday. This beautiful, bright-eyed little girl is in Kenya. I found her at Tim's blog. It's been 2 years since he posted this, I noticed, so I left a comment hoping he'll return to blogging. This endearing smile just melted my heart. Such pure JOY lights up her face. Innocent, pure, the faith of a child. That is what we need, what I need this Lent. I pray to become "younger" over the next 40 days, younger that is in my faith, as I continue to become older in years. "Remember you are but dust to to dust you shall return." Those words are powerful. No one wants to think about them in this day and age of materialism, consumerism, and the constant craving for instant gratification. It is too sobering, too morbid and depressing for some to think about those words. So they continue to ignore the inevitable, the certainty of death. Yet those painful words can bring you JOY and give you Life, if you let them.
Right now, Americans are holding out their hands, begging for "stuff" from Government and the President they voted for, hoping that he will get them out of their problems. Hoping 'he' will get them back to work, and put cash back in their wallets and bank accounts and food on their table, gas in their car, etc. They're trusting, like children, in government and particularly in this one man, a man who's only human, and a man that cannot "IN THE END" help them. Many might disdain faith, and even to talk about religion or faith some might find "old fashioned." Yet, here they are, IN FAITH, reaching and holding out their hands to Mr. Obama. Hmm.
The "end" isn't losing a house, or a job, but your very soul. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, (job, house, car, money, fortune, fame, you name it) and still lose his or her soul? In the blink of an eye we can lose everything...but if we have the faith, and trust of a child, and we turn to Christ now, during this time of Divine Mercy, we will gain HEAVEN and life eternal, happiness unending.
There's only one thing that we have that is our own,and that is our will. With it, we choose life or death. With our will we choose heaven or hell. So when I receive the ashes on my forehead today, I pray to become like this little dear above, I pray to become a child, that childlike faith will continue to grow in my soul, and will lead me to make choices for my good, to become a saint, to reach and attain my goal, Heaven. We are all dust, and we will return to dust, but where we go after that is up to us. You can't take any possession with you into eternity, only your soul. Get to reconciliation this Lent, and get right with your Father God. He loves you, and is calling you Home. Go to Mass. Get those ashes and give thanks to God for His Son, our Savior.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Those Catholics really know how to party!...
This is Fr. Cook. Pastor St. Peter, Master of Ceremonies and all around cool Father. The shirt I'm wearing says, 'Jesus is our greatest hope. We wait for the blessed hope, the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior,Jesus Christ.'
This guy's shirt was too cool not to photograph. "The only body piercing with redeeming value."
Fr. Gutowski
Frs. Cook and Brancich, "Battle of the Berettas"
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Jurist predicts ‘terrible conflict’ will endanger U.S. Catholics’ religious freedom...

Former Supreme Court nominee Judge Robert Bork has predicted that upcoming legal battles will have significant ramifications for religious freedom. He names as issues of major concern the continued freedom of Catholic hospitals to refuse to perform abortions and the likely “terrible conflict” resulting from the advancement of homosexual rights.
Speaking in an interview published Tuesday by Cybercast News Service, Judge Bork discussed the contentious nature of modern politics.
“Everything is up for debate these days. I can’t think of anything that isn’t,” he said.
“You are going to get Catholic hospitals that are going to be required as a matter of law to perform abortions,” he claimed.
“We are going to see in the near future a terrible conflict between claimed rights of homosexuals and religious freedom… You are going to get Catholic or other groups’ relief services that are going to be required to allow adoption of a child by homosexual couples. We are going to have a real conflict that goes right to the heart of the society.”
Asked whether there was a freedom of conscience clause anywhere in the Constitution that might prohibit the U.S. government from compelling a religious hospital to perform abortions, he replied:
“Well, the free exercise of religion clause might fulfill that role.”
He agreed with the CNS interviewer, Editor in Chief Terry Jeffrey, that such coercion forces someone to act against their religion and could be construed as a violation of the right to free exercise of religion.
However, Judge Bork was unsure about whether the U.S. Supreme Court would uphold such a right. He predicted the decision would rest with Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, who in some cases sides with liberals and at other times with “originalists,” those who profess to hold a more tradition-minded interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.
“It depends upon Anthony Kennedy,” Judge Bork told CNS. “Now, it’s a funny situation in which the moral life of a nation is in effect decided by one judge, because you have four solid liberal votes, four solid originalist votes, and one vote you can’t predict too accurately in advance.”
Though Justice Kennedy is a Catholic, he sided with the majority who upheld the pro-abortion rights Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade in the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey.
Judge Bork said that a decision involving the freedom of Catholic hospitals to refuse to perform abortions would split by a 5-4 vote.
“But I don’t know which way,” he added.
The Cybercast News interview with the jurist also touched upon the place of religion in public life.
“I don’t think the disputants talk much about God anymore,” Judge Bork commented. “That’s one of the things that I think is regrettable--and I know liberals have said the same thing, it is not a conservative position particularly--but it is regrettable that religion has dropped out of our public discourse. I think it impoverishes it and makes it more violent.”
He explained that he believed this violence was not armed conflict, but rather “violent language and propaganda.”
Judge Bork said he also thought that America is “now going down a path towards kind of a happy-go-lucky nihilism.”
“A lot of people are nihilists,” he continued. “They don’t think about religion. They don’t think about ultimate questions. They go along. They worry about consumer goods, comfort, and so forth.
“As a matter of fact, the abortion question is largely a question about convenience. If you look at the polls about why people have abortions, 90 percent of it has nothing to do with medical conditions. It’s convenience. And that’s I think an example of the secularization of an issue that ought to have a religious dimension.”
When asked whether a nihilistic society can remain “happy-go-lucky” for long, Judge Bork replied:
“I don’t know. I guess we are going to find out.”
To my Lutheran brothers and sisters...
Because ONE Voice of authority, the Chair of Peter, the Vicar of Christ and the Magisterium, will never change its "stripes" on matters of faith and morals!! No matter how much pressure comes from malevolent, destructive secular forces to change the Church to "fit the times," the Catholic Church will never succomb to the whims and trends of a decadent culture! NEVER! Praise be to Jesus Christ in His Church and in His Saints!
Season of Lent...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Time for shopping
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Frightening Stuff!...
How much longer can "GOING GREEN" trump the murder of babies?
... JESUS IS MY HOPE and I will not fear, but I do fear for these sorry, miserable, duped LemmingS!
Another very cool website of Saints!...
Carhart Abortion Mill...

Electrician Quits Repairs on Nebraska Abortion Facility in Response To Calls
BELLEVUE, NE, February 17, 2009 ( - An electrician made the decision yesterday to cancel his contract for work on a fire-damaged abortion centre after pro-life advocates called and explained to the vendor that his work was enabling abortions.
At first, the electrician told callers that he was not working in the abortion facility, but was working only in the basement. However, once he learned that the basement was part of the abortion centre where records and supplies were kept, he halted work.
"He said he considered himself a good Catholic and didn't want to be an accessory to an abortion clinic," said Larry Donlan of Rescue the Heartland, and Truth Truck driver for Operation Rescue.
The facility, which was damanged in a fire last month, is one that belongs to the infamous partial-birth abortionist LeRoy Carhart.
"This just shows the effectiveness of Abortion Collaborator campaign," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who first coined the term "abortion collaborator" and pioneered the project. "Once people understand that their work is helping the abortion industry, they often want nothing more to do with it."
Abortion collaborator campaigns help vendors recognize that providing services for abortion facilities contributes to abortions and makes them culpable for the continued shedding of innocent blood.
"It's a legal principle as well as a bibilical one. Those who aid and abet share in the guilt," said Newman.
"We congratulate Rescue the Heartland and appreciate the willingness of this electrician to do the right thing and stop work on the abortion mill. We pray that Carhart's clinic will never reopen."
Please pray for this good man who did the right thing. I pray for his safety, as I'm sure the Enemy of our souls hates him even more now! I've prayed at this abortuary before, on Halloween last year, I prayed throughout the night there with 5 friends. It's a most hideous and gruesome "death camp." Just up the street, less than a block is A Woman's Touch, a beautiful place for women and girls to go for help and real care for their health. Good and evil are always side by side...pray for all who work there, and for that true "women's clinic" to draw in more of these frightened women and girls who now can't go to abort quite so easily. Maybe they'll go there and save their babies. I pray they will. Currently, the only place providing abortions is in Lincoln, about 45miles away.
Hail full of grace, surround A Woman's Touch with your maternal grace, to draw these women, confused and scared, to save their babies and find true help and care. Amen.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Christian radio - target of 'Fairness Doctrine'?...
found here.
An official with the National Religious Broadcasters says if liberals are successful in bringing back the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," conservative commentators like Rush Limbaugh won't be the primary target of censorship.
Recently former President Bill Clinton joined the list of Democrats who are openly calling for the reinstatement of the so-called Fairness Doctrine or some kind of forced accountability. Senators Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Debbie Stabenow (D-Michigan) have both spoken favorably about the controversial policy in recent media reports.

The bottom line, according to Parshall, is that Christian broadcasters are the ones who are going to have the target on their backs when all is said and done on the reinstatement of the fairness doctrine.
St. Obama candle lights Catholic protest...

A priest in California is outraged at a novelty store's large display window of "Saint Obama" candles displaying an image he says "depicts our beloved saints in a not so saintly way."
The candles feature President Obama's head atop the body of St. Martin de Porres, a Peruvian-born Dominican friar, who became one of the first black saints in the Americas upon his canonization in 1962.
Rev. Tony La Torre of St. Philip the Apostle Church in San Francisco says the candles, sold by the Just for Fun store for $15, "mock and ridicule the Catholic/Christian faith."
"I am appalled," La Torre wrote in a recent parish newsletter, "that in such a family-oriented neighborhood, any retailer would be so bigoted and so hateful (as) to carry such merchandise just to 'make a buck.'"
Just for Fun owners Robert Ramsey and David Eiland, however, say they've done more than "make a buck" – they've made thousands.
The store owners told the San Francisco Chronicle that they've sold more than 700 of the candles since the Christmas season and have placed an order for 72 more.
In addition to the candles, the Chronicle reports, Just for Fun carries a number of joke religious items, such as Jesus pencil erasers and "Beware of Nunzilla" wind-up toys.
"Believe me, there is a lot of nasty stuff you can sell – you can get it [in San Francisco]," Ramsey told the newspaper. "This is just fun stuff."
And while La Torre has called for a boycott of Just for Fun, the owners have used Torre's ire as a springboard for publicity, even posting a copy of the priest's newsletter in their display window, right next to a 2-foot-tall "Saint Obama" candle.
The candle's identification with St. Martin de Porres is evident by the broom in Obama's hand, the traditional image associated with the sainted friar, who began his devotion as a servant boy at the turn of the 17th century.
Like Obama, St. Martin de Porres was born to a white and a black parent, and the friar is considered to be the patron saint of people of mixed racial heritage.
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Let us remember...
Father Kolbe's Life as a Saint and a Martyr
Maximilian Kolbe founded the Immaculata Movement devoted to Our Lady. After receiving a doctorate in theology, he spread the Movement through a magazine entitled "The Knight of the Immaculata." He also helped form a community of 800 men, which was the largest male community in the world at that time.
When World War II started, Father Kolbe's printing apostolate was a target of hatred from the Germans. After the Nazi invasion in 1939, Kolbe was imprisoned by the Gestapo and released for a time. But on February 17, 1941, he was arrested again and sent to the concentration camp at Auschwitz, with a group of 320 other prisoners.
During his time at Auschwitz, he shared his meager rations of food with those around him. He secretly heard confessions and held Mass for others in the camp. His work, even under these terrible conditions, continued. He would comfort the prisoners, saying, "Hate is not creative. Our sorrow is necessary so that those who live after us may be happy." Father Kolbe pleaded incessantly with the other prisoners to forgive their persecutors and overcome evil with good.
On July 31, 1941, in reprisal for one prisoner's escape, 10 men were chosen to die. Father Kolbe offered himself in place of a young husband and father. He was the last of the group to die, at 47 years of age, after enduring two weeks of starvation, thirst, and neglect. He was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1982, and declared a martyr of charity. He is the patron saint of drug addicts, political prisoners, families, journalists, prisoners and the pro-life movement. His feast day is August 14th.
St. Maximilian Kolbe,pray for us.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Fighting the GOOD FIGHT...

Let us not be dismayed, but let us fight the good fight with the best weapon, and most lethal weapon: Unity of the faithful in prayer (The rosary is the "BIG GUN"), penance and perseverance. Join our brothers and sisters at Religion & Morality.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Pro-Life Groups Continue Campaigns to Stop Pro-Abortion FOCA...

Washington, DC ( -- The call at most of the pro-life events over the last two weeks was clear: pro-life advocates need to continue the campaign to oppose the so-called Freedom of Choice Act. At Catholic churches, pro-life advocates sent hundreds of thousands of postcards to Congress and pro-life groups are asking activists to do more.
Brad Mattes, executive director of Life Issues Institute, saysFOCA has yet to receive a vote in Congress, which he says gives pro-life people time to contact their elected officials now and urge opposition.
"Our efforts to fight FOCA are beginning to bear fruit. Collectively, pro-lifers are making enough noise that we've given the President and pro-abortion leaders in Congress second thoughts about moving forward with FOCA in its entirety," he said.
"We can't let up on continuing to make noise about FOCA," he added.
That opposition is based on the fact that FOCA would make unlimited abortions a national law but also overturn hundreds of pro-life laws across the country that ban partial-birth abortions, allow parental involvement or stop taxpayer funded abortions.
“FOCA, the Freedom of Choice Act, would kick to the curb every protective law that has been passed by Congress, state legislatures, or local communities," Mattes explained. "As a result, it’s being seen as too radical for too many Americans."
Pro-life leaders say the pro-life movement may have its best hope of stopping the bill from reaching President Barack Obama, who promised Planned Parenthood during the presidential campaign he would sign it, in the Senate. There, pro-life senators could use a filibuster to hold up the bill and require pro-abortion lawmakers to secure 60 votes to approve it.
Mattes is also concerned that abortion advocates may try to approve FOCA with a piecemeal strategy.
"The president and pro-abortion leaders of Congress are looking at plans to pass FOCA, piece-by-piece, attached to other bills. This could be devastating for the babies because it would make it easier for their abortion agenda to get lost in a larger bill," he tells
"Our job is to alert federal lawmakers, Americans and the media that FOCA is present every time that they propose legislation with parts of it embedded," he said.
Mattes says legislators who may not normally vote pro-life could be persuaded to oppose FOCA with a monumental grassroots campaign that equals or beats the campaigns to approve the partial-birth abortion ban.
Life Issues Institute, and other pro-life groups, are sponsoring petitions people can sign that are presented to legislators and pro-life advocates are also urged to contact their senators and representative directly.
"That's why this petition against FOCA is so critically important to fighting it because no matter what form it takes, we need to let Congress know that a majority of Americans oppose this radical pro-abortion agenda," he concludes. "We must continue making noise by letting our pro-life voices be heard."Washington, DC ( -- The call at most of the pro-life events over the last two weeks was clear: pro-life advocates need to continue the campaign to oppose the so-called Freedom of Choice Act. At Catholic churches, pro-life advocates sent hundreds of thousands of postcards to Congress and pro-life groups are asking activists to do more.
Brad Mattes, executive director of Life Issues Institute, saysFOCA has yet to receive a vote in Congress, which he says gives pro-life people time to contact their elected officials now and urge opposition.
"Our efforts to fight FOCA are beginning to bear fruit. Collectively, pro-lifers are making enough noise that we've given the President and pro-abortion leaders in Congress second thoughts about moving forward with FOCA in its entirety," he said.
"We can't let up on continuing to make noise about FOCA," he added.
That opposition is based on the fact that FOCA would make unlimited abortions a national law but also overturn hundreds of pro-life laws across the country that ban partial-birth abortions, allow parental involvement or stop taxpayer funded abortions.
“FOCA, the Freedom of Choice Act, would kick to the curb every protective law that has been passed by Congress, state legislatures, or local communities," Mattes explained. "As a result, it’s being seen as too radical for too many Americans."
Pro-life leaders say the pro-life movement may have its best hope of stopping the bill from reaching President Barack Obama, who promised Planned Parenthood during the presidential campaign he would sign it, in the Senate. There, pro-life senators could use a filibuster to hold up the bill and require pro-abortion lawmakers to secure 60 votes to approve it.
Mattes is also concerned that abortion advocates may try to approve FOCA with a piecemeal strategy.
"The president and pro-abortion leaders of Congress are looking at plans to pass FOCA, piece-by-piece, attached to other bills. This could be devastating for the babies because it would make it easier for their abortion agenda to get lost in a larger bill," he tells
"Our job is to alert federal lawmakers, Americans and the media that FOCA is present every time that they propose legislation with parts of it embedded," he said.
Mattes says legislators who may not normally vote pro-life could be persuaded to oppose FOCA with a monumental grassroots campaign that equals or beats the campaigns to approve the partial-birth abortion ban.
Life Issues Institute, and other pro-life groups, are sponsoring petitions people can sign that are presented to legislators and pro-life advocates are also urged to contact their senators and representative directly.
"That's why this petition against FOCA is so critically important to fighting it because no matter what form it takes, we need to let Congress know that a majority of Americans oppose this radical pro-abortion agenda," he concludes. "We must continue making noise by letting our pro-life voices be heard."
Saturday, February 14, 2009
What I'm currently reading...and what I've finished reading so far this year

Fatima, In Lucia's Own Words (reading)
My Daily Psalm Boo, J.B. Frey (daily)
Praying in the Presence of Our Lord with St. Thomas Aquinas, by Mike Aquilina (finished)
Joseph the Silent, Michel Gasnier (finished and HIGHLY recommend!)
Sermon in a Sentence, A Treasury of Quotations on the Spiritual Life Vol. 5. St. Thomas Aquinas (read and constantly referring to with the mysteries of the rosary)
Hoping to get started in the next week or two on Saint Thomas Aquinas by G.K. Chesterton and Carmel Its Spirit History and Saints compiled from approved sources by The Discalced Carmelites of Boston and Santa Clara Copyright, 1927
I have almost completely stopped watching tv except for EWTN and only a few programs on there. I have a voracious appetite now for books, and to get to know my big brothers and sisters in that glorious cloud of witnesses. I so want to advance in my spiritual life, and truly to become a saint! We all are called to be saints and as we know, saints are the only ones who enter heaven, so I pray that my reading is guided by the Holy Spirit, and I do believe He's guided me thus far. I have wonderful friends who've shared their love of books, and many books with me, and a great library at Mt. Michael to visit. Plus our parish library, Saint Robert Bellarmine and also St. Leo's. These are great sources available and FREE so I encourage people to make use of them!
Looking for a Sacred Destination?...

At some point after the hermit's death and burial in Rocamadour, the site became a place of pilgrimage. Some claim the town was named for the hermit, a "lover of rock" (roc amator).
Zaccheus is said to have brought with him to Rocamadour a statue of the Black Virgin, though the statue is generally dated to the 9th century. Due to the double attraction of the tomb of Zaccheus and the statue of the Virgin, pilgrims began to flock to Rocamadour. Many reported experiencing miraculous healings and conversions at the shrine.
The Flying Monk...

Saint Francis in Meditation
by Zurbaran, 1635-9
Each one should confidently make known his need to the other, so that he might find what he needs and minister to him. And each one should love and care for his brother in all those things in which God will give him grace, as a mother loves and cares for her son.
--St. Francis of Assisi
Friday, February 13, 2009
The seven joys of Mary...

- The Annunciation
- The Nativity of Jesus
- The Adoration of the Magi
- The Resurrection of Christ
- The Ascension of Christ to Heaven
- The Pentecost or Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and Mary
- The Coronation of the Virgin in Heaven
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Lucia's last vision...
Vision of our Times
Painting of the "last vision" of Sr. Lucia
IN what has become known as the "last vision" of Fatima seer Sr. Lucia, while praying before the Blessed Sacrament, she saw a scene which carries many symbols for the period which began with the Virgin’s apparitions up to our present time, and the times to come:
Suddenly, the whole chapel was illuminated by a supernatural light, and above the altar appeared a Cross of light, reaching to the ceiling. In a brighter light on the upper part of the Cross, could be seen the face of a man and his body as far as the waist; upon his breast was a dove of light; nailed to the Cross was the body of another man. A little below the waist, I could see a chalice and a large Host suspended in the air, onto which drops of blood were falling from the Face of Jesus Crucified and from the wound in His side. These drops ran down onto the Host and fell into the chalice. Beneath the right arm of the Cross was Our Lady and in her hand was her Immaculate Heart. (It was Our Lady of Fatima, with her Immaculate Heart in her left hand, without sword or roses, but with a crown of thorns and flames.) Under the left arm of the Cross, large letters, as if of crystal clear water which ran down upon the altar, formed these words: "Grace and Mercy." —June 13th. 1929
First, Sr. Lucia sees a "Cross of light reaching to the ceiling." This signifies that God’s love is poured out on the world through the sacrifice of the Son on the Cross. It also proclaims that every Mass is a re-enactment of the sacrifice on Calvary. In addition, it may be a symbol of the Illumination which is going to come upon the whole earth, when we see our souls as the Father in Heaven sees them (accompanied, say some Catholic mystics, by an illuminated Cross in the sky.) This will be a gift from the Heavenly Father—a final act of mercy before the world enters her most painful purification. Hence, Sr. Lucia sees the Father who is Love over top of the Cross.
With the Illumination of consciences, there will also be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to equip the Church for the "final confrontation" with the powers of darkness of this era and their minions who refuse the grace of the Illumination. This outpouring will increase until the culmination of this purification, when the Spirit will come like fire to renew the face of the earth. And thus, the Spirit is also pictured above the Cross.
But what of this Cross? I believe what Sr. Lucia saw was a prophetic image of the Church about to enter her own Passion, symbolized by the offering of the Sacrifice of the Mass in the chalice and Host. The Blood which fell came from "the Face of Christ." And we, the Church, are indeed the face of Christ to the world.
The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. —Catechism of the Catholic Church, 677
The Blessed Virgin stands beneath the right arm of the Cross. In traditional royalty, the King holds the Staff or Rod that represents his power in his right hand. It’s this staff that is used to execute judgment or mercy. But Mary has held back this judgment through the intercession of Her Immaculate Heart (see Times of the Trumpets — Part IV ).
She, who is also a symbol of the Church, holds out her heart which carries the crown of thorns to indicate that the Church must now wear the crown of her Lord. It is set aflame with the fire of the Holy Spirit, who is Love, to indicate at once both the Triumph of Our Lady, and the Triumph of the Church, which will be an action through the Third Person of the Trinity.
The words "Grace and Mercy" are to indicate the two distinct periods we are in, which began at different times, occur simultaneously, but end differently.
The "time of grace" began to flow like water with Our Lady’s apparitions at Rue de Bac to St. Catherine LabourĂ©. Our Lady appeared standing on a globe to indicate the global significance of her visitations. She appeared with her hands covered in rings and jewels from which light shone toward the globe. She tells St. Catherine that "These rays symbolize the graces I shed upon those who ask for them. The jewels which give no rays symbolize the graces that are not given because they are not asked for." She asks St. Catherine to have a medal struck which illustrates her as the "mediatrix" of all graces. God in His mercy has given the Church two centuries to receive these graces to prepare, in particular, for the time of mercy.
The "time of mercy" began when an angel with a sword, who appeared in a vision to the children of Fatima, was about to strike the earth with a chastisement. Our Blessed Mother suddenly appeared again with light emanating from her. The angel’s punishment was postponed as he cried out to the earth, "Penance, penance, penance!" We know this began what Jesus called the "time of mercy" when He spoke to St. Faustina sometime later.
I am prolonging the time of mercy for the sake of [sinners]…. While there is still time, let them have recourse to the fount of My mercy… He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice. —Diary of St Faustina, 1160, 848, 1146
What is the difference? This time of grace is a period in which, through our Mother’s intercession, she is drawing great graces upon the Church to prepare her for the final confrontation with the powers of darkness in this present era. The Woman-Mary is laboring to give birth to the "full number of Gentiles" who will form the heel which will crush Satan. This will prepare the way for the Woman-Church to give birth to the "whole Christ", both Jew and Gentile, in the Era of Peace. This present time of grace, which is drawing to a close, is the period in which the oil of faith is being poured into those hearts who are "open wide to Jesus Christ." But there will come a time when this period of grace will end, and those who have refused it will be left without enough oil for their lamps—just the false light of a delusion that God will permit to deceive those who are unrepentant (2 Thess 2:11).
The time of mercy will continue through the chastisements which will follow (even if few accept His mercy) until God purifies the earth of all wickedness, thus beginning a "period of peace."
Those who refuse His mercy must pass through the door of His justiceh/t
Mark Mallett
St Buonfiglio...

Today we honor this Saint, one of seven founders of the Sevants of Mary aka: Servites.
And the origin of the black scapular came to the Servites, which I never even knew about until now. Another treasure of our glorious Catholic faith!
h/t Sanctus Belle for these Four Favors:
- Those who invoke the Heavenly Mother though her sorrows will obtain true sorrow for their sins before death.
- Our Saviour will protect them in their tribulations, especially at the hour of death.
- He will impress upon them a memory of His Passion, and will reward them for it in Heaven.
- He will commit such devout servants to the hands of Mary, that she may dispose of them according to her pleasure, and obtain for them all the graces she desires
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Oh those silly Catholics and their graven images!...

A Catholic convert took his Presbyterian friend to Marytown in Chicago for a look-see. The Calvinist guy was weirded out by the Fatima statues they have out front, depicting the children kneeling in prayer before the Blessed Virgin. The Catholic (a convert from Calvinism himself) watched his friend eyeing the statues warily and then remarked, "That's the great thing about being Catholic! Not only do we get to worship statues, but our statues worship statues!"
H/T Mark Shea
Dust Up, Down Under...
Showdown in Brisbane: Archbishop removes pastor of rebel parish
CWN - February 09, 2009
"A struggle between the Archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia, and a rebellious parish community has come to a head. Father Peter Kennedy, the pastor of St. Mary's parish in South Brisbane, revealed on Sunday that Archbishop John Bathersby has terminated his assignment there, effective February 21. But Father Kennedy has announced that he will not leave without a fight.
(The Archbishop) detailed his grave concerns about liturgical practices and unorthodox teaching at St. Mary's. "In the matter of faith," Archbishop Bathersby wrote, "it is frightening to hear that seven to nine hundred people attend the three liturgies at South Brisbane, yet there seems to be little instruction about Trinitarian theology." He observed that preachers and other members of the parish had "attacked the Church and Pope from the pulpit and attacked me, perhaps more gently, as Archbishop. Such attacks hardly indicate communion with the Church."
Father Kennedy responded to the latest development by telling reporters that he was prepared to resist the archbishop's authority, perhaps even risking arrest in a struggle to retain control of the parish. He also showed his contempt for the teaching authority of the Church, asking: "Can you possibly think any individual can believe that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary?"
See the full article at: