Wednesday, December 06, 2006

December 8... a glorious day... This coming Friday is a very important day for the Church and for Rich and me. It was on December 8, 2004 that we came back to the Catholic Church and went to Mass for the first time in 26 years without it being a wedding or a funeral, and with our hearts full of joy and our eager participation. I remember being like a little girl that night, full of joy, wonder, awe, happiness, and being in the SAFE arms of Holy Mother Church and our Holy Mother, Mary. I can only say that gratitude is overflowing from my heart now. I am looking forward to Mass this Friday and will probably well up with joy once again. Why we were blessed with the grace to return to Rome is beyond me. I am only so grateful that we were and that by the same loving grace and mercy, were responsive to the Holy Spirit's nudges and took the plunge, swam the Tiber to the safety of the Church Jesus himself founded. Can it get any better than this??!!


Russ Rentler, M.D. said...

It can only get better when we are in heaven and see Him face to face but this is definitley as Good as it gets on this side of the veil, praise God!
Congrats on a very glorius day tomorrow as we celebrate the Immaculate conception of the Mother of God. What a great date to come into the church.
God bless you!

Joyful Catholic said...

Thanks much TJ. And for now, this side of the veil is WONDERFUL in our MOTHER'S LOVING ARMS, for SHE is who led us back HOME and to her SON'S CHURCH! GLORIOUS DAY!