Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Oh Susanna....oh won't you pray for me,


You can be sure I'll be going to see my own "Namesake Saint's Church" St. Susanna! I hear there are only 4 saints of Susan or Susanna....I'm working on making it 5! And I pray this pilgrimage will help me draw ever close to our Blessed Mother and that her prayers and intercession for me will keep me keeping on the path to holiness and sainthood!

St. Susanna, pray for me, your little kid sis in Omaha, Nebraska who has such a longing to grow in faith, hope and LOVE...most of all LOVE. St. Clare, St. Mary Mags and St. Therese, of the Child Jesus, pray for me, too, and for my family, my husband, our dear sons and daughter that they will be protected from the enemy and his snares and temptations. Thank you! Amen.

Oh Susanna oh won't you pray for me
I'll be coming to Rome to visit you
and to pray on bended knee

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