Saturday, May 05, 2007

New Osteen Book At Three Million . . .

by Lynn Garrett, PW Daily -- Publishers Weekly, 4/13/2007

The next book from megaselling pastor Joel OsteenBecome a Better You: 7 Keys to Improving Your Life* (Susie's thoughts are below after the asterik) will have a first printing of three million and a one-day laydown on October 15. According to Free Press publisher Martha Levin, the house upped the ante from two million just this week, in response to "the enthusiasm of the accounts," she said. "We've been going at full tilt with this book since January, and in talking to people it became clear that two million wasn't going to be enough." The Osteen first printing is believed to be the highest for a hardcover book in S&S history, said spokesperson Adam Rothberg.

Osteen made big news last year ("Osteen Heads to Free Press," PW Daily, Mar. 15, 2006) when he jumped the Warner ship for Simon & Schuster for a deal worth some $13 million, according to informed sources, though S&S denied that figure. Osteen's first book, Your Best Life Now, was published by Warner Faith (now Hachette's FaithWords division) in 2004 and has sold more than four million copies to date, with a constant presence on the bestsellers lists.

S&S will publish Become a Better You simultaneously in Spanish-language and audio editions.

* It was interesting to hear Michael Cumbie talk today, (Saturday May 5,on EWTN) about how the altars were removed and the pulpits began to be "front and center" in Puritan and other Protestant churches after the Reformation. Now in some places, it's not the pulpit but the Jumbo Tron screen and the preacher with the headset so he can roam around...yes, THE STAGE. Hmm. Back in the Puritan days, it wasn't about sacrifice and Christ anymore, as much as the 'minister' the 'preacher' the "sermon" or now sometimes called the "message" from the "book"..... people of The Book and yet they ignore or even discard what Jesus himself established as the way to 'feed us' and become One with us. Does it really get more "MEGA" than that??!

p.s. this one nails it in my book.


Anonymous said...

You know we were just talking about this (you and I) and I did see the Michael Cumbie talk as well. I don't need and don't want big music and bands, screens with lyrics to be fed by God. He gave his Son to us that we could have life and have it more abundantly! I like a good book to help me get more on the right path but also it always comes down to the Son of Man giving His life and being, as a Catholic, to receive his BODY, BLOOD, SOUL, and DIVINITY EVERYDAY if I desire!!!!!
God Bless

Anonymous said...

My feeling is that if this is billed as self-help there might be some things that may be of good use. The problem is that it is being passed off as Christianity. If the Lord should tarry for another 100 years, what will folks be reading, this stuff or Deus Caritas Est?

I still have a number of dear friends in the evangelical world I left behind when I came into the Catholic Church. But when I'm kneeling at Mass after receiving the Body of our Lord I'm so overwhelmed with gratitude for being able to receive such grace.

Joyful Catholic said...

I agree with you both. We still have very dear friends in the Evangelical world, too. I miss them and just want them to know the Fullness of Truth and the beauty of the simplicity and yet profundity of Mass. The "Kiss of Heaven" as I call it. The "Great exchange, Christ come into us and we give him 'go to love and serve Him in all the people of the world.'
I changed this and reposted it a little bit differently above.

Thank you both for stopping by and for your insightful comments.
