Friday, March 27, 2009

Our Lady of Fatima...

Our Lady of Fatima, who guided the bullet meant to kill JPII, our Pope, pray for us! Please redirect the many bullets aimed at us, so that we may fight the good fight in this coming immense and great battle. Some of us may in fact die. We have to realize that. We must be willing to be martyrs, to be witnesses to the faith. To proclaim truth, even at the cost of our reputations, our jobs, and possibly even our lives. How we need your love, your protection, your motherly graces and your mercy. We have become complacent and mediocre in our lives. We must be the Eucharisitc people, the 'new springtime' JPII spoke of is now emerging in the Church. We are called to be here, for this time, this place, this 'season.' As the saints of old were called to be where they were in time.

Please take pity on us, and pray for us to become bold as lions, gentle as doves, and to pray for our country. We know persecution is coming, we've ignored your warnings for years and I for one am sorry. My sins even now still ripple out and affect the Church and the world, even minor ones, even venial ones. Forgive me, my Mother. I pray to never be seperated from your Immaculate Heart. Please never let me be seperated from you, or from my Lorc Jesus. I know that you weep for the innocent, the unborn babies whose blood continues to stain our soil, blood that you mop as you did Jesus precious blood when he was scourged at the pillar of death. His blood is still being shed at every abortion mill...

Dearest Mary, Our Mother most holy, please come to each of us, in your tenderness "clean the stain" from our hearts and help us to live holy lives. Help us to be pure and chaste, in thought, word and deed, as we struggle in this impure culture, and to imitate you, Our Lady, in being merciful to others, especially those who have hurt us. Help us to give our pains, emotional and physical to you, to unite them to your sorrowful heart, and go with our Lord on the path to Golgotha, where we too must be crucified with Jesus, uniting our sufferings to His for the conversion of sinners, for the conversion of our country and the world. We know time is running out. We pray for deeper conversion of our own souls every day. Help us, Dear Mother, help us to stay true and faithful to Our Lord, to love you as He loves you, and to honor you as He honors His Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth. Queen of every heart, help us to be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.

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