Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Do you know the origin of the Christmas Creche?...

The "Nativity Scene" or "Manger Scene" ... the Creche comes from a Catholic deacon, Saint Francis of Assisi. (here, too) I guess this is the 'one time' of year, we as Christians all agree on the otherwise "touchy issue" of 'statues.' I doubt many Protestants or evangelicals know this fact. I didn't until I became a Catholic. Tis the season that statues are put up in lawns of many Christians, who otherwise find statues to be considered idols. Isn't that a curious 'compromise?' Why are statues 'wrong' and considered to be "idol worship" the other days of the year? What gives? Just something to think about...and seriously ask yourself, if you're one of those who think Catholics 'worship' idols, by praying before statues, why is it okay to place those very same statues in your yard at Christmas time? Do you secretly 'worship' those statues, too? No. You don't worship statues and neither do Catholics. Let's stop the bickering over such silliness. Do you worship every picture in your wallet? No. On your walls? No. They're only reminders of your loved ones, that you might even "kiss" at times, just because you love them. Well, Catholics love the Saints and Mary, Queen of all Saints, but we don't worship them or her. Veneration is NOT THE SAME as worship. Let's enjoy this holy day (holiday) in peace and unity of our Beloved Savior's birth, and the loving parents of His who took care of Him, so we could have "Emmanuel" ... GOD WITH us! God bless you all, dear readers of this humble blog, this Christmas and throughout the coming New Year.


Russ Rentler, M.D. said...

God bless you Susie and Merry Christmas to you and yours
TJ (Now back to worshiping the manger figures under the tree...:)

Joyful Catholic said...

wink wink :) Mary Christmass, TJ.