Thursday, December 25, 2008

Lamb of God, born into the world,...

Holy, Pure and Spotless Lamb, offered for the sins of the whole world. Such blessed and glorious news! Come to earth as a tiny baby, to die and rise again saving us from our sins, if only we offer him a "room" in the cavern of our hearts,to let him be born in us, to grow and mature in us, so we can not only just be "covered" but transformed fully, completely, partaking of His Divine Nature. We are NOT dung heaps, covered with snow. We were created "good" but were damaged by our first parents' sinful choice. Now God has provided a Way for us to be not just "covered" by Jesus, but changed to be like Him, and only He can, over time, remove our "sin nature" changing us into SONS and DAUGHTERS of GOD. Blessed be the Name of Jesus, Emmanuel, GOD WITH US! If God is for us, and He is...then who can be and stand against us?

My Christmas prayer on this hallowed morn:

"Come Lord Jesus, into my heart today, be born in me anew. Transform me by your Holy Spirit into the daughter of God whom You created me to be. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me to grow in humility to say "yes" to God as you did every day of your life. Amen."

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